• RICS Level 3 Building Survey

    Considered our premium product, this is the most comprehensive building survey, targeting older and more complex properties, possibly subject to extensions or have specific defects.

  • Commercial Survey

    Our bespoke reports specifcally for commercial properties, focusing on construction, fire safety and lease matters that may affect you.

  • Defect Specific Report

    A specific defect report can be used to thoroughly inspect a particular or several potential defects within a property and advise on how they can be resolved.


  • Prior to the site inspection, we always conduct desktop research on the subject property. This typically includes internet research into previous building control and planning applications, conservation areas, EPC, flood maps, historic search of the plot, geology, radon, coal authority, noise pollution and water quality.

  • If the property is listed on the market with an estate agent, we are happy to arrange access through them. If properties are not on the open market we are also happy to contact the current owners.

    If you prefer, we are also happy for you to arrange the inspection for us.

  • The mortgage valuation is a very brief visit to the property, typically completed in less than 20 minutes and increasingly practiced remotely via algorithms without a surveyor physically attending the site. The mortgage valuation is a report for your mortgage lender to protect them against lending you too much money and is a risk management exercise in case you default on your payments and they need to reposess your property. The building surveys and valuations we provide are for our clients’ benefit, not their mortgage lenders, and they give insight that a mortgage valuation survey does not include.

  • One or more of our surveyors will come to visit the property to carry out a site visit. The site visit will be conducted via a non-intrusive visual inspection of internal and external areas (as accessible or from ground level with binoculars or zoom lens). We use the latest equipment, including damp meters, crack gauges, camera poles and ladders to help with our inspection. During this, the surveyor will take photos for their site notes (this will not be shared externally and is kept on file for 6 years).

    Depending on the size of the property and what we find during the inspection, it generally takes approximately 2-3 hours.

  • A building survey does not include a valuation. We are happy to quote separately for an open market valuation, should you need one. It is not uncommon for our clients to instruct a valuation alongside a building survey, to get a third party professional opinion on the price they are paying as well as on the condition of the building fabric.